Class DCM

class ahrs.common.dcm.DCM

Direction Cosine Matrix in SO(3)

Class to represent a Direction Cosine Matrix. It is built from a 3-by-3 array, but it can also be built from 3-dimensional vectors representing the roll-pitch-yaw angles, a quaternion, or an axis-angle pair representation.

  • array (array-like, default: None) – Array to build the DCM with.
  • q (array-like, default: None) – Quaternion to convert to DCM.
  • rpy (array-like, default: None) – Array with roll->pitch->yaw angles.
  • euler (tuple, default: None) – Dictionary with a set of angles as a pair of string and array.
  • axang (tuple, default: None) – Tuple with an array and a float of the axis and the angle representation.

A (numpy.ndarray) – Array with the 3-by-3 direction cosine matrix.


All DCM are created as an identity matrix, which means no rotation.

>>> from ahrs import DCM
>>> DCM()
DCM([[1., 0., 0.],
     [0., 1., 0.],
     [0., 0., 1.]])

A rotation around a single axis can be defined by giving the desired axis and its value, in degrees.

>>> DCM(x=10.0)
DCM([[ 1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ],
     [ 0.        ,  0.98480775, -0.17364818],
     [ 0.        ,  0.17364818,  0.98480775]])
>>> DCM(y=20.0)
DCM([[ 0.93969262,  0.        ,  0.34202014],
     [ 0.        ,  1.        ,  0.        ],
     [-0.34202014,  0.        ,  0.93969262]])
>>> DCM(z=30.0)
DCM([[ 0.8660254, -0.5      ,  0.       ],
     [ 0.5      ,  0.8660254,  0.       ],
     [ 0.       ,  0.       ,  1.       ]])

If we want a rotation conforming the roll-pitch-yaw sequence, we can give the corresponding angles.

>>> DCM(rpy=[30.0, 20.0, 10.0])
DCM([[ 0.81379768, -0.44096961,  0.37852231],
     [ 0.46984631,  0.88256412,  0.01802831],
     [-0.34202014,  0.16317591,  0.92541658]])


Notice the angles are given in reverse order, as it is the way the matrices are multiplied.

>>> DCM(z=30.0) @ DCM(y=20.0) @ DCM(x=10.0)
DCM([[ 0.81379768, -0.44096961,  0.37852231],
     [ 0.46984631,  0.88256412,  0.01802831],
     [-0.34202014,  0.16317591,  0.92541658]])

But also a different sequence can be defined, if given as a tuple with two elements: the order of the axis to rotate about, and the value of the rotation angles (again in reverse order)

>>> DCM(euler=('zyz', [40.0, 50.0, 60.0]))
DCM([[-0.31046846, -0.74782807,  0.58682409],
     [ 0.8700019 ,  0.02520139,  0.49240388],
     [-0.38302222,  0.66341395,  0.64278761]])
>>> DCM(z=40.0) @ DCM(y=50.0) @ DCM(z=60.0)
DCM([[-0.31046846, -0.74782807,  0.58682409],
     [ 0.8700019 ,  0.02520139,  0.49240388],
     [-0.38302222,  0.66341395,  0.64278761]])

Another option is to build the rotation matrix from a quaternion:

>>> DCM(q=[1., 2., 3., 4.])
DCM([[-0.66666667,  0.13333333,  0.73333333],
     [ 0.66666667, -0.33333333,  0.66666667],
     [ 0.33333333,  0.93333333,  0.13333333]])

The quaternions are automatically normalized to make them versors and be used as rotation operators.

Finally, we can also build the rotation matrix from an axis-angle representation:

>>> DCM(axang=([1., 2., 3.], 60.0))
DCM([[-0.81295491,  0.52330834,  0.25544608],
     [ 0.03452394, -0.3945807 ,  0.91821249],
     [ 0.58130234,  0.75528436,  0.30270965]])

The axis of rotation is also normalized to be used as part of the rotation operator.